Summer Crush Hydrangeas
Update – Read to the end!
Summer Crush hydrangeas…..we’re trying again! Last year (2021) we set out 15 FIFTEEN Summer Crush hydrangeas……one lived. Now I’m not saying it was the fault of the plants. We’ve decided it was the location we planted them in and it was just simply too hot for them and they didn’t get enough shade.
So, here we go again. I just love the Summer Crush variety from the Endless Summer collection. The Endless Summer Summer Crush hydrangea is a beautiful sort of raspberry pink. It’s a big leaf hydrangea with dark green foliage. It is supposed to stay pink and not turn blue no matter what. Course I haven’t had any to live long enough to tell!
These hydrangeas are supposed to bloom from spring until fall. Today is the first day of June, so we will see. Plus, this time we planted them in a different location where they will have some shade and we got a professional to do the planting. Doing it ourselves may have been the first problem. I know it wasn’t a lack of water because I babied those plants last year! One survived….one out of 15!
Why is it, that my grandmother could break off a piece of her hydrangeas and just stick it in the ground…..and grow a bush! Oh how I wish she was here to give me some advice

My grandmother always had lots of flowers in her yard of all kinds. She never grew roses, but always had a lot of peonies, hydrangeas, dahlias, hibiscus, sweet William, hollyhock, zinnias, and wildflowers.
The Southern pronunciation of peonies is “pee-ONIES” Now you may call them something else like “pee-o-knees”…but to us, they are “pee-ONIES.”
You can’t see it in this image, but there is a row of trees to the left that will provide some shade for the new plants. This year (2022) we have 12 new plants and the sole survivor from last year. So keep your fingers crossed that I won’t let these die.
A few of the plants had nice blooms already and I could not help but cut a few! I was afraid…..these might be all I get!
If you have a green thumb and grow hydrangeas, I would love to hear from you! I’m always open to advice and recommendations.
Follow this post for more information later. I’ll come back and keep you updated on the growth of my new Summer Crush. Hopefully, this year will be better than the last! My pocketbook hopes so too!
Update 6/30/22
Well, the hydrangeas are not going to make it in the current location. The afternoon Mississippi sun is just too much. The leaves are blistering and dying and even though there is a little new growth, they are still stunted. We’re moving them today to a new location hopefully where they will get more shade coverage in the afternoon. If this doesn’t work, I’m giving up!
The new location is farther away from the house than I would like, but the trees will provide more shade. We shall see. Keep your fingers crossed!
Update August 2022
The summer crush hydrangeas are finally settling into their new home I think))) They are growing and finally starting to put out a bloom here or there. I just hope they continue to grow on through September so maybe they will survive the winter.

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